Ensure consistent mastitis testing with our non-toxic RMT solution. Correct formulation guarantees accurate results with 1 litre per 50 cows. Simply add to RMT paddle with milk to identify high somatic cell concentration. Ready to use Rapid Mastitis Test solutionPrecise formulation ensures consistent result.Coagulation of milk sample indicates somatic cellsNon-toxic & easily identifiable. Correctly formulated solution to ensure consistent mastitis testing. (Non-professional solutions can give varying results.) Generally testing requires 1 litre per 50 cows. Solution is added to the RMT paddle in at least the same amount as the milk. Ideally the solution is used from a squirt or pump bottle. RMT solution is non-toxic, but is coloured blue for easy identification. Coagulation of the milk sample indicates the presence of somatic cells in high concentration.