Pack of 3 filter cartridges for replacement in filtering system to help preserve the life of your pump and increase the performance of your freeze dryer.
How do I know that my filtered oil is clean for use? The best indications for cleanliness are as follows:
• Oil is void of debris or particulates
• Oil is not milky or chalky
• Oil has clarity (the color may be yellow or amber and still have clarity)
• Your vacuum pump is achieving a pressure (mTorr) suitable for freeze drying
How do I know when I need to replace my oil filter?
• Oil won’t drain through filter (this can happen over time as debris builds up)
• Oil isn’t cleaning well (i.e. The oil continues to be milky or full of debris)
What do I do to replace my oil filter?
• Replace the cartridge or order a new cartridge replacement set from Harvest Right.
• Cartridges should be replaced after approximately 15-20 uses, or sooner, depending on the quality of the oil.