The Adlam Versatile Lambing Harness is a multi purpose harness that provides great support for mothering ewes and does.
It provides prevention against prolapse, provides additional support to help keep ewes and does upright after birthing and assists with mothering-on particularly for maiden does and ewes.
Quick and easy fitting
Cross-over tubing design for greater comfort and effectiveness
High quality components proven to last on the farm.
The harness can be used for prolapse of the vagina (commonly in the two weeks prior to lambing) and of the uterus (at lambing). Correctly fitted, it will not allow faecal build up, hinder bowel movement or lambing but will exert pressure on key points to reduce straining and reduce pain.
The addition of an extra detachable strap allows the harness to be attached to a fence to provide standing support to the animal. This is helpful if the birth has been difficult and the animal is having difficulty standing on their own and if the new mother is not standing to allow the newborns to suckle and receive their initial critical dose of colostrum.
- Effective retention of prolapses with no need to remove the harness before lambing.
- Immobilisation to further help in preventing repeat prolapse.
- Easy observation and follow up of animals that have prolapsed.
- Mothering on of lambs, and prevention of smothering.
- Cast ewes to be supported in an upright position.
- Support to get ewes that are unwell at lambing back up on their feet.
- Can be used for both sheep and goats
The versatile harness is a great welfare booster for animals and is sturdy enough to reuse year after year.